NutraBio Intra Blast

NutraBio Intra Blast

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NutraBio Intra Blast is an essential amino acid (EAA) powerhouse that was developed to address the time between pre- and post-workout, commonly referred to as the intra-workout period, when critical nutrients are needed to fuel performance, blunt fatigue, and accelerate recovery. Unlike other intra workouts that contain only branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), Intra Blast contains over 10,000 mg of all 9 essential amino acids, including BCAAs, clinically dosed to work synergistically in order to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, promote muscle growth, enhance recovery, and decrease muscle soreness from the most intense training sessions. NutraBio took Intra Blast's formula one step further by adding other ingredients, such as glutamine and betaine, that have been scientifically proven to accelerate recovery, replenish energy stores, improve strength, and keep you hydrated during your workouts. Intra Blast is without question the most advanced intra-workout amino acid product ever created. Take a look at the label and you will find each scoop of Intra Blast contains:

  • Clinical doses of 16 research-backed ingredients
  • A complete EAA profile
  • 7200 mg of BCAAs in the scientifically studied 2:1:1 ratio (leucine:isoleucine:valine), shown to promote muscle growth and recovery and reduce training related soreness. BCAAs have also been shown to increase energy and blunt fatigue during exercise.
  • 2805 mg of six EAAs to support muscle protein synthesis and other vital physiological functions in the body
  • 2000 mg of betaine anhydrous to increase muscular strength, endurance, and total training volume
  • 1000 mg of L-ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate to improve exercise performance by reducing ammonia concentrations in the blood thus lessening fatigue of working muscles
  • 2822 mg electrolyte and hydration optimizer that helps maintain water balance in the muscles, facilitates motor neuron function, and increases exercise capacity.

Intra Blast represents a commitment to quality NutraBio made when we opened our doors 20 years ago. This commitment involves using only the highest quality ingredients backed by research, effective clinical doses, and no proprietary blends, fillers, excipients, or other potentially unhealthy or unneeded additives. Although the industry makes it seems like this is a new trend, the fact is NutraBio pioneered these concepts well over a decade ago. For us, it has never been a question of when is it a good time to start being honest. We have always been the innovators, not the imitators.

Intra Blast has everything you need in one comprehensive, open-label, clinically dosed formula and nothing that you don't. We pride ourselves on purity. What you see on the label is exactly what you get. Intra Blast contains no fillers, excipients, proprietary blends, or other potentially unhealthy or unneeded additives.

No other intra workout even comes close to providing the EAA profile and other effective, clinically dosed ingredients found in Intra Blast, which have been proven to fuel performance and enhance recovery. Ask yourself, "Can I expect results if I take shortcuts in my workouts?" If you answered no, then you shouldn't take shortcuts with your intra workout either.

    The Science Behind NutraBio Intra Blast

    A closer look at the 16 ingredients and doses used to make NutraBio Intra Blast the most complete recovery and performance intra-workout formula on the market.


    BCAA COMPLEX (7200 mg)

    The essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine collectively form what is referred to as the branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). These amino acids are essential because they cannot be produced in the body and must be provided though supplementation or diet. BCAAs comprise approximately 30% of the total muscle protein pool and are the primary amino acids oxidized in the muscles during exercise and catabolic stress. For these reasons, athletes supplement with BCAAs for the purpose of increasing muscle mass, reducing muscle damage, blunting fatigue, and increasing energy during exercise.

    Hundreds of studies exist on the ergogenic benefits of BCAAs. The majority of them show that BCAAs, whether consumed throughout the day or pre, during, or post-exercise, decrease protein catabolism (breakdown) and support muscle protein synthesis, a physiological process responsible for muscle growth and repair. Furthermore, BCAAs are vitally important to glucose (energy) production, contributing to more than 40% of glucose production during sustained endurance exercises.

    A study done in 2009 found that subjects who supplemented with BCAAs while following an 8-week resistance training program had a greater decrease in body fat, an increase in lean mass, and greater strength gains on the bench press and squat compared to the non-BCAA group.

    The BCAAs found in NutraBio Intra are in the research-backed ratio of 2:1:1 (leucine: isoleucine:valine) and come from plant sources as opposed to animal sources, such as feathers or hair.

    L-LEUCINE (3600 mg)
    • Leucine is one of the essential BCAAs. By itself, it can stimulate muscle protein synthesis, the process responsible for muscle growth and recovery. This is why it is often referred to as the "main" amino acid.
    • Supplementation with at least 2 grams daily of leucine has been shown to decrease muscle soreness, lessen recovery time between workouts, and increase lean muscle mass.
    • Howatson et al. (2012) discovered that leucine (combined with isoleucine and valine) administered before muscle damaging resistance exercises reduced indices of muscle damage and accelerated recovery in resistance-trained males.
    L-ISOLEUCINE (1800 mg)
    • Isoleucine, like leucine, is another BCAA that can stimulate muscle protein synthesis, but to a lesser extent when not combined with the other BCAAs. However, isoleucine significantly increases glucose uptake and the use of glucose during exercise, leading to greater energy production.
    • Isoleucine may also play a role in the fat-burning abilities of BCAAs.
    • Nishimura et al. (2010) found that mice consuming a high-fat diet in conjunction with isoleucine gained less fat mass than mice not receiving isoleucine. This was due to isoleucine's ability to stimulate receptors that inhibit fat storage and increase fat burning.
    L-VALINE (1800 mg)
    • Valine, the third BCAA, promotes muscular endurance and decreases fatigue during exercise.
    • When exercising, tryptophan is converted to serotonin and signals the brain that the body is fatigued—ultimately leading to a decrease in muscle strength and endurance.
    • Since valine competes with tryptophan for entry into the brain and prevails, less serotonin gets to the brain, which ultimately leads to stronger muscular contractions, quicker recovery between sets, and prolonged muscular strength and endurance.

    EAA COMPLEX (2805 mg)

    In addition to the BCAAs, there are 6 other essential amino acids (EAAs) needed by the body that must be provided though supplementation or diet. These EAAs are lysine, threonine, histidine, methionine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan. The research involving these EAAs show they contribute to protein synthesis, are important for recovery after intense exercise, and serve many other important physiological functions in the body.

    Tipton et al. showed that consuming EAAs provided an additive significant effect on net muscle protein balance over a 24-hour period after resistance training compared to a placebo group. This increased protein balance may lead to increased muscular hypertrophy, improved exercise recovery, and reduced muscle damage.

    Unfortunately, most companies don't use the full EAA spectrum because they are hard to flavor and very expensive compared to just BCAAs. At NutraBio, we don't shy away from challenges, which is why we chose to take on this difficult formulation task to combine the best of both worlds in creating INTRA BLAST.

    L-LYSINE (850 mg)
    • L-lysine plays an essential role in the production of carnitine, a nutrient responsible for converting fatty acids into energy and helping to lower cholesterol.
    • L-lysine contributes to muscle protein synthesis and may increase the effectiveness of L-arginine in promoting growth hormone release, both of which contribute to muscle growth.
    • It also appears L-lysine helps the body absorb calcium, and it plays an important role in the formation of collagen, a substance important for bones and connective tissues including skin, tendon, and cartilage.
    • Suminski et al. discovered that growth hormone levels were significantly elevated in subjects during resting conditions 60 minutes after ingestion of lysine compared to a placebo.
    L-THREONINE (850 mg)
    • L-threonine is an EAA that promotes normal growth by helping to maintain the proper protein balance in the body. Threonine also supports cardiovascular, liver, central nervous, and immune system function.
    • It is needed to create glycine and serine, two amino acids that are necessary for the production of collagen, elastin, and muscle tissue. L-threonine helps keep connective tissues and muscles throughout the body strong and elastic, including the heart, where it is found in significant amounts.
    • L-threonine may also reduce unwanted muscle contractions and help speed up recovery from injury. It has also been shown to facilitate proper responses to high-stress scenarios created by intense exercise.
    L-HISTIDINE (450 mg)
    • In the body, L-histidine combines with beta-alanine to form skeletal muscle carnosine, which plays a crucial role in hydrogen ion buffering and leads to improved exercise performance.
    • L-histidine is also needed for the maintenance of myelin sheaths (nerve protection) and may increase production of red and white blood cells.
    • Recent research has shown that L-histidine may promote vasodilation and increase performances that require short, explosive bursts.
    DL-METHIONINE (300 mg)
    • DL-methionine is essential for the production of creatine, which is an important nutrient for the proper functioning of muscles, the brain, and the entire cardiovascular system. It is also a precursor to protein synthesis.
    • DL-methionine is essential for the production of carnitine, which assists in the process of converting fats to energy.
    • DL-methionine is also an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and in some cases may enhance mood.
    • Phenylalanine is an EAA and precursor to tyrosine. Like tyrosine, it increases production of epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and thyroid hormones.
    • These neurotransmitters are critical in muscle activation and movement and can also increase fat loss, boost alertness, and affect mood.
    • Phenylalanine is vital to synthesizing muscle protein and raises insulin secretion, both of which can help with muscle growth following exercise.
    L-TRYPTOPHAN (55 mg)
    • L-tryptophan is an EAA that the body requires to synthesize proteins and specialized molecules, such as the neurotransmitter serotonin.
    • Serotonin appears to play significant roles in moods, inflammation, and other body functions.
    • It has also been demonstrated to have the ability to have a positive impact on pain perception.
    • In 1988, Segura and Ventura's research analyzed the effects of a moderate supplementation with L-tryptophan, the immediate precursor of 5-HT, on endurance and sensation of effort. The result of this research showed total exercise time was 49.4% greater and pain tolerance was increased after receiving L-tryptophan compared to a placebo.



    • Betaine, scientifically referred to as trimethylglycine, is a metabolite of choline. Betaine's two main functions in the body are as a methyl donor and osmolyte. As an osmolyte, betaine protects proteins, cells, and enzymes from heat, dehydration, and other physiological stresses. As a methyl donor, betaine is used to convert homocysteine to L-methionine and is therefore a precursor to creatine.
    • Doses of 2500–6000 mg betaine daily may increase muscular strength, endurance, and total training volume.
    • Betaine also plays a role in hepatic fat metabolism, promotes muscle protein synthesis, and has been suggested to increase nitric oxide levels.
    • A study conducted by the University of Connecticut found that individuals supplementing with 1.25 grams of betaine twice daily increased bench press power by 20%.
    • OKG is a combination of two molecules of the nonessential amino acid ornithine bound to alpha-ketoglutarate. OKG has been shown to stimulate an increase in arginine, plasma glutamate, and intramuscular glutamine, as well as stimulate an increase in insulin secretion, nitric oxide synthesis, HGH, and IGF1. The increases in these substances due to OKG promote anabolic and anti-catabolic responses in the body, which may play a role in boosting recovery.
    • OKG may also improve exercise performance by reducing ammonia concentrations in the blood, thus lessening fatigue of working muscles.
    • OKG plays a supporting role in muscle protein synthesis
    • Suqino et al. (2008) found those supplementing with L-ornithine for 6 days were able to reduce perceptions of fatigue by 52% compared to a placebo. The author also observed that ammonia accrual during exercise was reduced compared to a placebo.
    • NutraBio's OKG is fully reacted, which means it is positively bonded. It is in the exact same form that the positive research studies were based on.


    TAURINE (2000 mg)
    • Taurine is one of the most important, useful, and safest amino acids. Taurine is best known for its beneficial effects on the heart and cardiovascular system. Early clinical research also suggests that taurine, in combination with caffeine, can produce improvements in mental performance. When the body engages in extreme physical activity, it no longer will be able to produce the necessary amounts of taurine; therefore, supplementation becomes necessary.
    • Taurine is involved in the regulation of core body temperature and may help prevent heat stress and stroke.
    • Taurine also acts as an osmolyte, assisting the body in maintaining proper water balance.
    • Zhang et al. (2004) found that individuals who supplemented with taurine for 1 week before an exhaustive exercise bout significantly improved time to exhaustion, VO2 max, and maximal workload. It also decreased exercise-induced DNA damage.
    • Calcium, potassium, and phosphorus are vital electrolytes needed to maintain bodily water balance and facilitate motor neuron function.
    • The combination of these electrolytes in CALCI-K is highly soluble and readily absorbed by the body.
    • Electrolytes have been shown to prevent muscle cramps and are essential to normal muscular contractions.
    • As we exercise, electrolytes are lost through sweat and must be replaced in order to prevent decreases in performance
    • Sims et al. (2007) discovered that pre-exercise ingestion of a high-sodium beverage increased plasma volume before exercise, involved less thermoregulatory and perceived strain during exercise, and increased exercise capacity in warm conditions.
    • Magnesium is an essential mineral and electrolyte that is involved in protein synthesis, ATP formation, metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and bone strength.
    • Skeletal muscle stores ~35% of the body's total magnesium stores, where it can help regulate muscular contractions and act as a calcium channel blocker.
    • Exercise can deplete magnesium stores, which can induce cramping and severe muscular pain. Therefore, it is important to replace this critical electrolyte during exercise.
    • Magnesium has been shown to increase aerobic exercise capabilities and lead to greater muscle oxygenation.
    • A study conducted by Golf et al. (1998) found that subjects who supplemented with magnesium for 4 weeks were able to significantly improve the time it took to compete triathlon-like testing compared to a control group.

    Intra Blast FAQs

    What is the best way to take Intra Blast?

    • Mix one scoop of Intra Blast into 12–16 oz. of cold water and sip throughout each training session of the day.

    Is intra-workout supplementation really necessary?

    • Necessary in the fact that the ingredients found in Intra Blast have been scientifically proven to provide energy and blunt fatigue during exercise, as well stimulate muscle protein synthesis to a greater degree compared to when nothing is taken during a workout.

    Can I use Intra Blast with my pre-workout?

    • Yes. Because Intra Blast contains no stimulants, you can take it with your pre-workout. This is especially beneficial if your current pre-workout does not contain any of the essential amino acids.

    Should I only use Intra Blast during my workouts?

    • No. In addition to taking during training, Intra Blast can be consumed before and after training, between meals, or on your days off to boost amino acid intake.

    What other NutraBio products would you recommend taking with IntraBlast?

    • In order to optimize your workout from start to finish, we recommend NutraBio PRE before starting your workout, Intra Blast during, and our Whey Protein Isolate immediately post exercise. This will cover all your energy, focus, muscle building, and recovery needs.

    What makes Intra Blast better than other intra-workout supplements?

    • Most intra-workout supplements only contain BCAAs. Intra Blast takes this one step further by adding all the essential amino acids and glutamine to in order to maximize muscle protein synthesis, promote muscle growth, reduce muscle damage, and shorten recovery time.
    The NutraBio Intra Blast is far and away, one of our most popular items. People can't seem to get enough of it.

    Inventory Last Updated: Oct 22, 2024